The Department of Community Development and Planning is comprised of a team of professionals committed to cultivating a more livable FairfaxInformation
Hours: 8:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M., Weekdays
Address: City Hall Annex Room 207
10455 Armstrong Street
Fairfax, VA 22030
Director: Brooke Hardin, AICP
The Community Development Division manages the land use and design review approval processes, including the evaluation of applications for rezoning, special use permit, special exception, subdivision variance, and certificate of appropriateness, negotiates proffers and development conditions, and also provides staff support to the City’s Board of Architectural Review.
The Planning Division is responsible for long-range planning, including preparing and maintaining the Comprehensive Plan and other master plans, preparing reports and statistical analyses, overseeingsustainability/environmental programs, and also providing staff support to the Planning Commission and Environmental Sustainability Committee.
The Zoning Administration Division administers standards for development, land use and structures in the City in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance. The division is responsible for use and sign permits, site plan and subdivision review, administrative approvals and zoning compliance, bond administration, and zoning inspections and enforcement. This Division also provides staff support to the Board of Zoning Appeals.
The Department also supports the City’s Neighborhood Renaissance program and provides staff support to the City of Fairfax Renaissance Housing Corporation.