Professor, Computer Science, Volgenau School of Engineering, George Mason University Visiting research scientist, National Institute of Standards and Technology. Director, Laboratory of Radio and RADAR Engineering (RARE)Information
Web: Personal website Volgenau page Research Gate
Phone: 703-993-5030
Address: Research Hall, 436
4400 University Drive, MS 4A5
Fairfax, VA 22030
RARE is a collaboration between academia, industry and government agencies and is a co-director of the Center for Assured Research (CARE) at Mason.
Prior to joining Mason, he worked as a Senior Systems and Software Engineer at Honeywell’s Military Avionics and Space Systems divisions.
PhD, Computer Science, University of Minnesota (1997)
PhD, Mathematical Logic, Cornell University (1989)
2014 – 2015 : Using the Policy Machine to Enforce Access to Health Records. Funded by National Institute of Standards and Technology.
2013 – 2014 : Mapping GSM-R Into US Wireless Frequency Intervals for High-Speed Rail. Funded by US Department of Transportation (US.
2014 – 2014 : A Survey and Taxonomy on the Roots of Trust in Cyber-Physical Systems. Funded by Cyber Security Research Alliance.