Professor, Bill & Eleanor Hazel Chair in Infrastructure Engineering, Volgenau School of Engineering, George Mason UniversityInformation
Web: Profile pages Volgenau page Google Scholar LinkedIn
Phone: (703) 993-1685
Address: 4614 Nguyen Engineering Building
Fairfax, VA 22030
Dr. Elise Miller-Hooks holds the Bill and Eleanor Hazel Endowed Chair in Infrastructure Engineering in the Department of Civil, Environmental, and Infrastructure Engineering. Prior to this appointment, Dr. Miller-Hooks served as Program Director of the National Science Foundation (NSF) Civil Infrastructure Systems Program in the Civil, Mechanical and Manufacturing Innovation (CMMI) Division of the Engineering Directorate, lead Program Officer for the multi-directorate Critical Resilient Interdependent Infrastructure Systems and Processes (CRISP) 2015 and 2016 solicitations, and a cognizant program officer on CMMI’s Smart and Connected Communities (i.e. Smart Cities) initiative. She also served on the faculties of the University of Maryland, Pennsylvania State University and Duke University. Dr. Miller-Hooks received her Ph.D. in Civil Engineering (1997) and M.S. in Engineering (1994) degrees from the University of Texas – Austin and B.S. summa cum laude in Civil Engineering from Lafayette College (1992).
Dr. Miller-Hooks’ research program has been funded by numerous agencies, including, for example, NSF, European Commission, Federal Highway Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation, I-95 Corridor Coalition, Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, Maryland State Highway Administration, and various other agencies and companies. She received a NSF CAREER award, Charley Wootan Award for Best Ph.D. Dissertation from the Council of UTCs, and several other national awards related to her dissertation and ongoing research, including two more recent best paper awards. Dr. Miller-Hooks has authored approximately 140 articles and reports, and over 190 conference presentations and invited lectures.
Ph.D., University of Texas
M.S. in Engineering, University of Texas at Austin
Civil Engineering
B.S.C.E. Lafayette College
summa cum laude in Civil Engineering
Bill & Eleanor Hazel Endowed Chair in Infrastructure Engineering
George Mason University
Aug 2016 – Present
Fairfax, Virginia
University of Maryland
University of Maryland
2003 – Aug 2016
Pennsylvania State University
Assistant professor
Pennsylvania State University
1998 – 2003
Fellowships, Prizes and Awards
- 2012 Best Paper Award, ASCE Journal of Construction Engineering and Management.
- Fred Burggraf Award in recognition of excellence in transportation research from the Transportation Research Board of the National Academies of Science and Engineering (2006).
- 1st Young Distinguished Alumni Award for the Department of Civil Engineering at UT Austin (2003).
- NSF 1999 Career Award (1999)
- Charley Wootan Award for Best Ph.D. Dissertation from the Council of University Transportation Centers (1998).
- NSF Engineering Education Scholarship Program, University of Wisconsin-Madison (1997).
- Rockwell ITS Scholarship (1996).
- UTCP Outstanding Student Award from the U.S. Department of Transportation (1995).
- Recipient of the Eisenhower Graduate Fellowship from the FHWA for Ph.D. (1993-1996).
- Advanced Institute for Transportation Infrastructure Engineering and Management Fellowship (1992,1993,1996,1997).
- Carroll Phillips Bassett Award for Excellence in Civil Engineering (1992).
- Omega Rho, Operations Research Honor Society.
- Sigma Xi, full member.
- Tau Beta Pi, Engineering Honor Society.
Professional Activities: External
Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS)
- Past President of the INFORMS Transportation Science and Logistics (TSL) Society, 2013
- President of the INFORMS Transportation Science and Logistics (TSL) Society, 2012
- Vice President/President-Elect of the INFORMS Transportation Science and Logistics (TSL) Society, 2011
- Member of the INFORMS WORMS Award Committee, 2009
- Member of the INFORMS Organizing Committee for the 2008 Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C., 2007-2008
- Special Events Co-Chair for the INFORMS 2008 Meeting in Washington, D.C.
- Cluster Co-Chair for the Invited Cluster on Humanitarian Logistics and Disaster Preparedness for the 2008 INFORMS Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C., 2007-2008
- Appointed member of the Editor-In-Chief Search Committee for Transportation Science for INFORMS, 2008
- Chair of the INFORMS Ad-Hoc Committee on Diversity, 2007-2008, appointed by the INFORMS President
- Elected Representative to the INFORMS (Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences) Subdivisions Council for 2004-2007 (served two, two-year terms)
- Appointed Member of the INFORMS Fora/Chapters Committee 2004-2005, reappointed 2005-2007
- Appointed Member of the INFORMS Membership & Member Services Committee, 2005- 2006
- Elected Secretary/Treasurer of the Transportation Science and Logistics Section of INFORMS, 2004-2005. Re-elected for 2005-2006
- Member of the INFORMS Transportation Science Section Dissertation Prize Committee, 2001
- Appointed member of the INFORMS Prize Committee (1999-2002, two terms)
- Past President (2000-2001), Vice President/President Elect (1999-2000), and two terms as Treasurer (1997-1999) of Women in OR/MS of INFORMS (all elected positions)
Transportation Research Board (TRB)
- Appointed Chair of the ADB30 Transportation Network Modeling Committee( of the Transportation Research Board of the National Academies of Sciences (2013-2019), Committee Member (1998-2009).The committee will promote research and information exchange in transportation network modeling, an interdisciplinary field spanning Computer Science, Logistics, Mathematics, Operations Research, Telecommunications, and Transportation Science. The committee will also focus on: the understanding and modeling of the technological and behavioral factors affecting the performance of transportation systems; modeling the interactions between the infrastructure and transportation networks; and the development and use of models to evaluate the quantity and quality of transportation facilities and services. The committee will serve as a focus for the development, adaptation, and implementation of quantitative and computer-based methodologies for the above purposes. The committee will cut across traditional modal boundaries, seeking unifying conceptual and methodological frameworks, yet highlighting modal differences. As such, it will foster effective and rapid sharing of information and experiences among researchers, practitioners, regulators and decision makers.
- Founding Co-Chair (with Brian Wolshon) of the Task Force on Emergency Evacuation(ANB80T) of the Transportation Research Board of the National Academies of Science and Engineering (2012-2013).The Emergency Evacuation Committee is concerned with emergency preparedness for, and operational issues of, evacuations associated with any natural or human-made hazards. Of particular interest to the proposed Task Force are:
- emergency traffic operations modeling and simulation;
- traffic control and enforcement in evacuation;
- the use of mass-transit and all other modes of transportation in evacuation;
- issues associated with the emergency movement of special populations;
- behavioral modeling in emergency departure and travel decision-making for evacuation;
- planning and design of transportation infrastructure to facilitate evacuation;
- application of intelligent transportation system (ITS) in evacuation;
- data acquisition and forecasting of travel demand conditions for evacuation;
- emergency fleet management and dispatching during an evacuation;
- public policy issues;
- relevant issues of communication and coordination in evacuation;
- use of mass assembly areas or shelters;
- human factors in evacuation; and
- emergency response operations during or immediately following an evacuation.
The Committee considers evacuations with notice and with little or no notice, as well as building, urban and regional evacuation.
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
- Full Member, (ASCE) Transportation & Development Institute’s (T&DI) Freight and Logistics Committee (
Reviewing activities for agencies
- Served on numerous review panels for agencies such as the National Science Foundation (NSF), Environmental Protection Agency, and ORISE of the Department of Homeland Security, and as review of project proposals for numerous universities and international science foundations.
- Associate Editor for Transportation Science 2006-present (reappointment through 2011)
- Served as Guest Associate Editor for Transportation Science 2004-2005
- Editorial Board Member for Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems 2003-present
- Ediorial Board Member for Transportation Research Part B 2011-present
Referee for
- Transportation Science
- Operations Research
- Networks
- European Journal of Operational Research
- Computers and Operations Research
- Journal of the Operational Research Society
- Management Science
- Naval Research Logistics
- Transportation Research – Part B
- Transportation Research – Part C
- Transportation Research – Part E
- OR Letters
- IIE Transactions
- Transportation
- Sustainability
- Reliability Engineering and System Safety
- Systems
- Transportmetrica
- Computers and Industrial Engineering
- Transactions on Engineering Management
- Transport Policy
- Transport Reviews
- Transportation Research Record
- Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems
- ASCE Journal of Infrastructure Systems
- ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering
- ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering
- Risk Analysis
- Natural Hazards
- Fire Technology
- Safety Science
- Fire Safety Journal
- Earthquake Spectra
- Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration
- International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction
- Journal of Advanced Transportation
- Socio-Economic Planning Sciences
- Networks and Spatial Economics
- International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters
- Journal of Transportation Safety and Security
- IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems
- IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management
- Knowledge-Based Systems
- International Journal of Modelling and Simulation
- Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory
- Automation in Construction
- Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering
- APMOD, an Institute of Mathematics Journal
- Plus numerous symposiums, international conferences and chapters in books
Selected Publications
Tang, H. and E. Miller-Hooks (2005). “A TABU Search Heuristic for the Selective Team Orienteering Problem,” Computers and Operations Research 32, 1379-1407.
Miller-Hooks, E. and B. Yang (2005). “Updating Paths in Time-Varying Networks with Arc Weight Changes,” Transportation Science 39, 451-464.
Opasanon, S. and E. Miller-Hooks (2006). “Multi-Criteria Adaptive Hyperpaths in Stochastic, Time-Varying Networks,” European Journal of Operational Research 173, 72-91.
Nair. R. and E. Miller-Hooks (2011). “Fleet Management for Vehicle Sharing Operations,” Transportation Science 45 (4), 524-540.
Erdogan, S. and E. Miller-Hooks (2012). “A Green Vehicle Routing Problem,” Transportation Research – Part E 48, 100-114.
Kuo, A. and E. Miller-Hooks (2012). “Developing Responsive Rail Services through Collaboration,” Transportation Research – Part B 46(3), 424-439.
Faturechi, R. and E. Miller-Hooks (2014). “Mathematical Framework for Quantifying and Optimizing Protective Actions for Civil Infrastructure Systems,” Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering Systems 29, 572-589.
Civil Infrastructure Systems Modeling, Transportation Systems Engineering, Network Algorithms, Multi-Objective Decision-Making