Two-Year Transportation Program


Fairfax City is in the process of developing a two-year transportation program to address the community’s priorities for new transportation infrastructure and programs and wants your input!


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What is a two-year transportation plan?

A two-year transportation program is an outline of the City’s transportation priorities over the next few years. The funding application cycle is a long process in Virginia. In order to be considered for many sources of public funding that we won’t receive for one, two or even six years, the City has to apply now. While we don’t want to get ahead of ourselves in terms of planning, we also do not want to miss the opportunity to receive public dollars for important projects. The City is developing a list of transportation projects that we are interested in submitting for funding consideration that includes bicycle, pedestrian, trail, transit and roadway projects.

How is transportation funding in Virginia allocated?

There are many different sources of transportation funds. Each has different specifications such as:

  • Project eligibility requirements
  • Application timelines (annual, biannual)
  • Funding available (1, 2, 6 or 7 years out)
  • Local match requirement
  • Complexity of application
  • Source of funds (federal, state, regional)
  • Funding maximum

The figure below is a graphical depiction of the two-year funding timeline for transportation funding. Each funding source is represented by a unique color and band on the circle. The start of the band is shown with hatching, which indicates the application period. The band ends when the funding allocations are final. Some funding applications occur annually; others occur biannually. Funding applications that are due in odd calendar years are shown on the top half of the circle. Funding applications that are due in even calendar years are shown on the bottom half of the circle. The asterisks indicate when the City Council resolution of support is required for each application.

Click here for more detailed information about all of the available transportation funding sources.

What are the City’s plans to apply for this funding?

This is where the two-year transportation program comes in. The City is matching project priorities with available funding sources to put together a two-year timeline for funding. This does not mean that we are constructing these projects within the next two years, just that we are applying for funding. The projects that the City is considering for evaluation over the next two years are listed below.

  • Old Lee Highway Multimodal Improvements: The City recently completed a conceptual plan for Old Lee Highway between North Street and Fairfax Circle to improve the multimodal facilities along Old Lee Highway. The next step in the project is survey and engineering to refine the design and identify the footprint that minimizes the property impact.
  • George T. Snyder Trail Construction: The George Snyder Trail is the proposed construction of a new trail along the southern side of Accotink Creek running east/west between Chain Bridge Road (Route 123) and Fairfax Boulevard (Route 50).  The City intends to connect this trail to the proposed Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) shared use path along Route 123 and in conjunction with the I-66 corridor improvements.  The connection to the VDOT shared use path will provide George Snyder Trail users the opportunity to travel east approximately 33 miles to Washington DC or west approximately 20 miles to Haymarket, Virginia along the I-66 corridor. The City has applied for I-66 Outside the Beltway Concessionaire Funding to construct this project.
  • Judicial Drive Trail Completion: This project is the completion of the Judicial Drive Trail, which runs from Hallman St. to Judicial Drive. Currently, users exit must trail at Presbyterian Way and ride on private property before reconnecting to the City’s trail. This project would complete the missing portion of the trail.
  • Bike Share: This project includes a feasibility analysis of potential bike share locations in the City of Fairfax in coordination with George Mason University. A second phase of the project would be the potential implementation of bike share once the feasibility study is complete.
  • University Drive (south of Fairfax Blvd) Improvements: This project is the evaluation of traffic calming improvements and pedestrian enhancements to the portion of University Drive between Fairfax Boulevard and Kenmore Drive. The first phase of the project is evaluation of options to slow traffic and improve pedestrian mobility on the street. The second phase of the project is implementation of the selected improvements.
  • Chain Bridge Road Sidewalk (north of Kenmore) Improvements: This project was approved in the FY 18 Capital Improvement Program and includes the design and construction of curb, gutter and sidewalk on the east side of Chain Bridge Road beginning at 3739 Chain Bridge Road and ending at the intersection with Jenny Lynne Lane.
  • Pedestrian Network Safety Spot Improvements: This project will construct improvements to the pedestrian and bicycle network throughout the City consistent with the recommendations in the Multimodal Transportation Plan. This funding may be used to construct improvements (i.e. signage, striping, new crosswalks) at various locations throughout the City. The FY 18 CIP includes $100,000 in funding for these types of improvements.
  • Transit facility evaluation: This project is the evaluation of CUE bus stops to determine potential locations for additional bus shelters, new sidewalks and/or other stop amenities such as benches and lighting.
  • Transportation Demand Management Program: The project is the development of a Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Program for the City of Fairfax. A TDM program evaluates how people make their transportation decisions and encourages them to use the infrastructure in place for transit, ridesharing, walking, biking, and telework. TDM is a program of information, encouragement and incentives provided by local or regional organizations to inform people about their transportation options.
  • Widen bridge over I-66 at Jermantown Road: This project is the widening of the bridge on Jermantown Road over I-66 to four lanes (currently two lanes). Fairfax County has applied for I-66 Outside the Beltway Concessionaire Funding to construct this project. The project is located in the county, just outside the City.
  • Jermantown Road Widening between Fairfax Blvd and I-66: This project is the widening of Jermantown Road between the bridge and Fairfax Boulevard to four lanes.
  • Eaton Place/Chain Bridge Road Intersection Improvements: This project is the evaluation and potential subsequent implementation of intersection improvements at Eaton Place and Chain Bridge Road to improve vehicular and pedestrian mobility.
  • Additional roadway network between Fairfax Blvd and Chain Bridge Road at Orchard Street:  This project is the evaluation and potential construction of additional roadway(s) in the Northwest west quadrant (between Fairfax Boulevard and Chain Bridge Road at Orchard Street) to break up the large block and provide improved mobility in this area.

Click here for more detailed information about how the City proposes to fund each project.

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